I hereby submit my application to CATAIR as a: REGULAR MEMBER 0
(Please process my application for the: current year 0 next year 0)
FEE SCHEDULE: (payable in Canadian funds)
BASIC MEMBERSHIP $55.00 0 (mandatory fee)
ACCIDENT RECONSTRUCTION JOURNAL (ARJ) 6 issues $55.00 0 (subscription)
IMPACT 3 issues $35.00 0 (subscription)
TOTAL ___________
I am over 18 Years of Age? Yes 0 No 0
First Name: _______________________________________ Last Name: _________________________________________
Business Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________
City: ____________________________________________________________________________
Prov/State/Country: ____________________________________________ Postal/Zip Code: __________________________
Business phone #: __________________________________ Fax #: _________________________________________
Home phone #: _________________________________________ Cell #: _________________________________________
E mail address: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Do you want to receive correspondence from CATAIR through e-mail? Yes 0 No 0
Do you wish to have your e-mail on our web-site directory? (see page two for information) Yes 0 No 0
Do you want to receive information by e-mail from related organizations? Yes 0 No 0
Do you currently hold a Facebook account? Yes 0 No 0
Length of current employment: ___________ I heard about CATAIR from: _______________________________________
My Sponsor is: __________________________________________________________________________________________
(Letter of reference attached)
I certify the above information is true, correct and complete to the best of my knowledge. I authorize CATAIR, through its representatives, to verify the information provided. I understand additional information may be required. If accepted I will abide by the code of ethics as established by the BOARD OF DIRECTORS of CATAIR.
Signature: _____________________________________________________ Date: ______________________________
By completing your registration you provide consent to CATAIR to collect, use and disclose personal information as required for reasonable matters. Examples of collection/use/disclosure include, but are not limited to: submission of member data to the regional affiliates, CATAIR website member listings, and subscriber lists to service providers (i.e. Accident Reconstruction Journal).
*Subscriptions are for the publication year – NOT the Membership Year
Cheque should be payable to C.A.T.A.I.R. (in Canadian funds)
Due December 31, 2010
Send payment direct to: Terry Lolacher
8426 – 94 Avenue
Fort Saskatchewan, AB, Canada T8L 2R6
Or Pay by Credit Card Payment: Visa and MasterCard accepted at this time
Card # ____________ ____________ _____________ _____________
Exp Date ________ / __________
Signature ________________________________________________________
(I authorize CATAIR to charge my account for the fee as indicated.)
Name ________________________________________________________
(Please print name)
CATAIR has reduced the amount of data collected for member’s web site listing. When selecting “Yes” on the “Do you wish to have your e-mail on our web-site directory?” option of the renewal form, only your name, place of employment and email address will now be collected for the website. If you do not make any selection, or if you select “No” to be shown on the website directory, you will not be listed on the website & access to member’s area will not be possible.
Once your intent to be posted on the CATAIR website has been received, it will be your responsibility to keep your listing current, and to complete any additional information you would like listed. If you were previously listed on the website, then your existing data will still be shown, and only the changes to your place of employment and/or email address will be updated.
Each member has been or will be assigned a user ID and password, and passwords can be changed by the member once access has been made. After the deadline for each year’s renewal has passed, those members who have not paid their dues or indicated that they wish to be shown on the website, will have their listing removed.
Changing your contact information on the website does not update the membership database. Please notify CATAIR of any changes by emailing us at
• A cheque/money order or credit card authorization in the amount specified above (Cheque should be payable to CATAIR)
• A current resume of your training, experience, qualifications plus copies of ALL relevant certificates obtained
• REGULAR MEMBER APPLICANTS: Proof of completion of at least a technical accident investigation course that is recognized by the Board, (minimum Level III) or proof of completion of engineering or engineering technology degree.
• REGULAR MEMBER APPLICANTS: A letter of sponsorship from a current CATAIR member in good standing. I f no sponsor is available, kindly submit technical report(s) for review or proof of ACTAR accreditation.
Send completed application to: Terry Lolacher
8426 – 94 Avenue
Fort Saskatchewan
AB, Canada T8L 2R6
CATAIR was founded in 1984 to meet the growing demand for a professional organization that subscribes to a code of professional conduct. As such, CATAIR’s purposes are:
To organize into one body specialists in the field of technical accident investigation and reconstruction
To support and maintain a high standard of ethics, integrity, credibility and honor in the field of technical accident investigation and reconstruction
To promote traffic safety across Canada
To research and communicate matters of mutual interest
To foster a spirit of camaraderie among the Association members
CATAIR membership is open to individuals involved in all aspects of road safety. Presently our membership is comprised of active and retired police officers, engineers, engineering technologists and private consultants.
CATAIR offers two types of membership:
The REGULAR member is an individual who has successfully completed a course in Traffic Accident Analysis or Reconstruction from an approved institution or has other qualifications, which normally qualify them as an expert in civil and/or criminal proceedings in accident reconstruction.
The ASSOCIATE member is an individual such as, but not limited to, medical doctors, traffic engineers, human factor analysts, insurance adjusters, fleet safety supervisor and attorneys who have either a primary or secondary interest in traffic accidents but is not qualified to reconstruct accidents.
As a member of CATAIR you have your choice of:
Basic membership which affiliates you with our national organization and entitles you to discounts while attending our Annual General Meeting and seminars
Basic membership and receive the Accident Investigation Quarterly, a quarterly publication for those in the field of collision investigation at a special subscription rate
Basic membership and receive the Accident Reconstruction Journal, a by-monthly publication devoted entirely to collision investigation and reconstruction at a special subscription rate
Basic membership and the Accident Investigation Quarterly AND the Accident Reconstruction Journal, both at discounted rates
CATAIR holds an annual meeting, which includes technical presentations, field-testing, product exhibition, election of officers and a business meeting.
CATAIR also sponsors courses in the technical collision investigation and reconstruction field, and often at discounted rates.
Your application, submitted with the processing fee, will be reviewed by the Membership Committee to ascertain whether your qualifications meet CATAIR standards. Normal processing time for applications is approximately 6 weeks. Membership expires at the end of the calendar year.
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